Instructions for Authors

In Imaging Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences, high resolution images with description have to be submitted by the authors through Online. In spite of the source of word processing tool, only electronic PDF or Microsoft Word document files should be submitted through online submission system. Authors should take all the responsibilities related to copyrighted image during the submission and publication process. Only the unpublished Images with description should be submitted and are not currently under consideration by other journals.

Submission of Research Work
  1. All images should be submitted via our online submission link or mail your Artwork at [email protected]
  2. Keep a backup and original copies of the material submitted
About author

Each submission should include a short biography, complete affiliation, Address, E-mail, Fax, Telephone number (current communication details).

Guidelines for Image Submission
  1. Submit as one file
  2. Provide a descriptive heading/legend and American spelling
  3. You can submit us the figures in any format such as JPG, TIFF, PDF, EPS or PPT
  4. Place abbreviations immediately below the figures
  5. Description of Image should not exceed 250 words and should be submitted in PDF or Microsoft Word Document only
  6. Images should be captured at the following minimum resolutions: Combination (Line Art + Halftone) 900 dpi, Halftone 300 dpi; Supply Line Art 900 dpi
  7. All illustrations to be provided as separate files while crop out any black or white spaces residing the image
  8. Graphics downloaded from Web pages are NOT acceptable
  9. Submit multi-panel figures, i.e. with parts labeled a,b,c,d, as one file
Guidelines for Graphical abstracts

It is a pictorial presentation of visual summary of the article and it should support the readers to have a clear glance at the pictorial representation. This can be the figure availed from the identical article or represented from a different article or designed exclusively for the purpose. As these abstracts would be online, it can be intended to make confident browsing, promote scholarship and encourage readers to avail similar abstracts for article write up.

  1. High definition image that clearly depicts the work in the article Abstract heading for “Graphical Abstract” should be within the image file.
  2. Preferred file types are TIFF, EPS, PDF or MS Office files.
  3. Images should be captured at the following minimum resolutions: Combination (Line Art + Halftone) 900 dpi, Halftone 300 dpi; Supply Line Art 900 dpi
Guidelines for Flow Chart

Flowcharts communicate the flow of documents and records and several elements of internal control. To help flowcharts communicate effectively:

  1. Use specialized symbols
  2. Use flow lines: These are used to show how documents and records are related. Arrowheads are used to indicate the direction of the flow.
  3. Show separation of duties: Areas of responsibility are established on flowcharts as vertical columns or sections through which the flow of documents takes place horizontally (from left to right). This technique enables the reader to identify clearly changes in responsibility as the documents flow through the system
  4. Include relevant internal controls: The inclusion of significant internal controls in a flowchart aids the auditor in evaluating internal control
  5. Examples: Include authorizations, internal verification, and reconciliations
  6. Comments and Clarification: Draw the flowchart, including comments and annotations
  7. There are two types of written comments: annotations and footnotes. Annotations are included within the flowchart (--- [ ). Footnotes are included at the bottom or on one side
  8. Show the source of every document in the flowchart
Guidelines for Case Blog
  1. Original blog write up not more than 300 words
  2. Blogs related to wide spectrum of medical and clinical fields
  3. Right image to be attached along with the case blog
  4. Citations/References (URL) should be mentioned properly
Guidelines for Presentation
  1. Considerable contrast is mandatory
  2. 7 to 10 words per line and 8 to 9 lines per slide to be embedded in the presentation
  3. Bulletins have to be left justified
  4. Keep font sizes consistent (Serif vs. San Serif), Font 40pt
  5. HD images or photographs to be used
  6. 25 to 30 slides per presentation are considerable
  7. The author should verify that all multimedia material is embedded in the file

Acknowledgement: This section includes acknowledgment of people, grant details, funds, etc.

About Image

In an open access model, the publication costs of an image/article are paid from an author's research resources, or by their supporting institution, in the form of Publication Charges. These charges replace subscription charges and allow publishers to make the online version of every published article freely available to all interested readers. In addition, authors who publish in our open access journals retain the copyright of their work, which is released under a "Creative Commons Attribution License," enabling the unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction of an article in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.

When an image/a paper is accepted for publication the author is issued with an invoice for payment of a publication fee (see payment details below). A range of discounts or waivers are offered to authors who are unable to pay our publication fees.

Submit Your Research

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