Journal of Biology and Medicine is a one of a kind journal which publishes scien... Read More
Global Journal of Anesthesiology is a peer reviewed, an open access, internation... Read More
Clinical or medical virology is a branch of clinical pathology which consists in... Read More
Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Biochemical Technology is the journal aspir... Read More
Global Journal of Allergy is an open access, international, a peer reviewed dist... Read More
The Peertechz's Open Journal of Plant Science is a unique initiative to make soc... Read More
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I would like to continue as an editor in this journal and confer the services. The comments we are receiving from reviewers and editors are authentic. The journal should add a perspective editor section to lead the authors over contemporary subjects. The manuscript submission process is easy and Hassle free. I surely recommend this journal for getting indexing services in major platforms. I rec... more
I like to continue the association with this journal and provide my services. The comments from editors and reviewers are fair and satisfactory. The journal should accept high quality manuscripts which can help in journal growth. Manuscript submission process in this journal is smooth and user friendly. I definitely recommend this journal to get indexed in major indexing platforms. I will recom... more
I continue my association with this journal and confer my services for journal growth. The comments from editors and reviewers are meaningful and fair. The journal should accept more review and research articles which can help in journal citation. The manuscript submission process in this journal is user friendly. I recommend this journal to get major reputed indexing platforms. I recommend to ... more
The comments from the reviewers/editors are fair and professional. Selection of reviewers regarding the ability to analyse data according to their Research interest that can be helpful for the growth of the journal. Manuscript submission process is good. I recommend the journal for reputed indexing services. I recommend this journal to others for publication of their valuable works. I like most... more
Peer-review process in Peertechz is increasing the quality of the journal. Publication time at Peertechz is less than a month which is impressive.
The comments from reviewers and editors are always constructive, even if a manuscript is rejected for its publication. I will trust the publication process with Peertechz.
The comments from editors and reviewers are meaning full and fair. The manuscript submission process in this journal is user friendly. I recommend this journal to get major reputed indexing platforms. I recommend to some of my colleagues to submit their valuable research works in this journal in coming future. Manuscript submission and publication time line process is satisfactory. The required... more
I like to continue my association as an editor for this journal and provide my services. The editors and reviewer comments in this journal are considerable. The manuscript submission process in this journal is uncomplicated. I propose this journal for getting reputed indexing services. I endorse that I will suggest to others to submit their works for publication in this journal. I mostly like... more
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I want to express my sincere thanks also for all staffs of OJPS including you for your sup... moreI like to continue my association with this journal and confer my services for journal growth. The reviewer and editor comments in this journal is fair and acceptable. Manuscript submission process in this journal are user free. I strongly recommend my batch mates and co-scientists to submit their valuable works in this journal for publication. I can easily find the required information on the ... more
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