Hon. Pierre Guertin

Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Laval University
Journal Associated: Global Journal of Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome Biography:

Dr. Guertin has 28 years of experience in spinal cord research and 16 years of experience in science leadership. He was President and CEO of NeuroSpina Therapeutics between 2005 and 2008 as well as Chief Scientific Officer of Eurymedon HealthCare during the same period. During 8 years, he acted as President and CEO of Nordic Life Science Pipeline Inc. He is currently developing next-generation pharmaceutical, healthcare and skincare products for people with CNS trauma, paralysis and mobility impairment due to aging or disease. Over the years, he has obtained 4.8 million dollars in financing from not-for-profit public agencies and private foundations to conduct animal research (rodents), drug development and clinical studies. He has developed a cutting-edge expertise in spinal cord injury and aging, metabolic problems, urogenital and bowel problems, and musculoskeletal/dermatological degradation. He holds positions as Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry & Neurosciences (Université Laval, 2001 - present) as well as Director and Principal Investigator of the Spinal Cord Injury and Functional Recovery Laboratory (2002 – present, Laval University Medical Center, Quebec). As a leading scientist, he is author and co-author of more than 175 publications (articles, reviews, book chapters, patents, etc.) since 1990. He acts also as editorial board member (32 international journals), referee and reviewer for granting agencies such as CIHR, NSERC, and FRSQ. Among several breakthrough findings made in his laboratory, his main accomplishment remains undoubtedly the discovery in 2004 and the development from bench-to-bedside of the first oral drug ever, SpinalonTM, capable of reactivating spinal locomotor neurons and eliciting basic walking activity in paralyzed animals and patients.

Professional website link: http://www.crchudequebec.ulaval.ca/en/research/researchers/4930

Number of Publications: 183
