We provide a global open access platform for journals to promote the publication of high quality research in multiple fields of medicine and technology by promoting unrestricted access to our journal.
DOI (Digital Object Identifier)- We provide DOI to all published papers to
facilitate higher citation and classification of articles. Peertechz Publisher ID: 10.17352
1. Pesquisa de alimentos com fins especiais
Purpose: Realizar avalia��o biol�gica e bioqu�mica em ratos utilizando
uma alimentos especialmente modificados no seu conte�do de nutrientes,
para adequ�-los para ser utilizados em dietas de individuos. 2.
Avalia��o tecnol�gica, diet�tica, qu�mica, biol�gica, bioqu�mica e
histol�gica de alimentos com fins espec�ficos em humanos e animais
Purpose: Formular e avaliar biologicamente alimentos especialmente
modificados no seu conte�do de nutrientes e assim elucidar o
comportamento e a respostas destes nutrientes no metabolismo. Desta
forma estudando a inser��o destes nutritentes em dietas espec�ficas e
sua resposta quanto a biodisponibilidade, intera��es nutricionais,
avalia��es biol�gicas, bioqu�micas e histol�gicas em indiv�duos
saud�veis ou com patologias, favorece a melhoria do estado nutricional.
Giampiero Capobianco Sassari University, Italy Archive of Urological Research
William CS Cho Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong International Journal of Immunotherapy and Cancer Research
Dr. Pierre Guertin Laval University, Canada Archive of Gerontology and Geriatrics Research
Manuel Jose Lis Arias Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain Archive of Biochemistry
Giorgio Bianciardi University of Siena, Italy International Journal of Oral and Craniofacial Science
Lijie Dong Oklahoma University, USA Archives of Anatomy and Physiology
Lianbo Yu Ohio State University, USA Open Journal of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
M.Waheed Roomi Dr. Rath Research Institute 1260 Memorex Drive, Santa Clara, USA Global Journal of Cancer Therapy
Miklas Scholz Lund University, Sweden Annals of Environmental Science and Toxicology
Giulio Perrotta Marche Polytechnic University - School of Medicine and Surgery (UNIVPM, Ancona - Italy); Istituto per lo studio delle psicoterapie (ISP, Rome - Italy). , Italy Open Journal of Trauma
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Each step from submission to publication was handled efficiently. The review comments were accurate which increased the value of our revised manuscript. I will certainly publish more works with Peertechz.More
cantrella caralynn
It was found that each step in the submission and publishing process was handled efficiently. The reviewers were clearly experts in the field and our revised manuscript was dealt with value.More
Samantha Wyatt
The entire review and production process for the article has been handled with remarkable professionalism and efficiency. As the editor, I can appreciate the enormous organizational effort and discipline shown.More
Tomorrow is a search of today and if we research,we add an another day,that is how the time pulls on and on.Science keeps on changing its facies and thus paradigm and makes our living interesting and awesome.The knowledge of science needs to be dissipated to the progeny for better living ahead and the way we do that is through scientific journals published by different publication houses.Being associated with peertechz publications has been a wonderful experience.i have enjoyed the true spirit of scientific spice serving the organisation as an editor.It is author friendly,and makes the publication process for you very easy taking care not to jeopardise the standards of true science.I would suggest the research scholars and young scientists to associate with this publication house ,submit your reseach to brighten your career ahead in science.let us keep up the spirit of spreading the true science to the world ahead.More
Dr Shivaji Jadhav
Wonderful ..process and indeed very good way in terms of communication and i recommend for publishing with this publishers...Great support.More